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Posts tagged ‘gorge’


This trip was slightly different. On a previous outing I had taken the camcorder and decided that this trip would be almost all camcorder with stills speckled in.

I’ll name the videos something meaningful so you can pull only those that may be of interest. Sorry still didn’t get around to YouTube.

The videos: Video of Trip 



This is one of two locks, the other is in the video only. I am guessing it is about 70 feet from top to bottom. I have no idea what that little crawl space is to the left of the entrance. Both locks had one.  



I am still struggling to figure out how a lock this high above the water level worked. I have to be missing something, unless the lock was a lot deeper and they backfilled it.


Pan of shot above.



Here is a view of the back wall.



Anyone know what purpose this little tunnel served?



Some close ups. Someone went through a lot of trouble aligning those rocks.





Just some snapshots of a waterfall nearby.


The Quest for Color–Results

First of all thanks everyone for coming out. We had a safe trip and all cameras returned home safely.

As with every trip I learned something new. I actually learned quite a few things on this trip – thanks for letting me pick your brains!

If you were at the event and you want to post a few of your masterpieces let me know and I’ll grant you access to update the thread. Or you can pop me a link to your pics and I’ll update the blog with your link.

Now as promised here are some of my shots. Double click to expand.

GlenOnokoFall (31)GlenOnokoFall (6)GlenOnokoFall (34)GlenOnokoFall (14)

The trail.

GlenOnokoFall (10)GlenOnokoFall (15)GlenOnokoFall (25)

Contrasting foreground and background. Played around with the short depth of field when I saw the opportunity.

GlenOnokoFall (29)GlenOnokoFall (58)GlenOnokoFall (57)GlenOnokoFall (40)

How could I resist the moss?GlenOnokoFall (63)GlenOnokoFall (36)GlenOnokoFall (50)GlenOnokoFall (64)GlenOnokoFall (69)GlenOnokoFall (74)GlenOnokoFall (70)GlenOnokoFall (68)

I never get tired of these. No matter how many times you shoot them, no matter how many different perspectives. They are always different and always easy on the eyes.

GlenOnokoFall (41)GlenOnokoFall (12)GlenOnokoFall (42)

The falls.

GlenOnokoFall (23)GlenOnokoFall (39)GlenOnokoFall (38)GlenOnokoFall (48)GlenOnokoFall (52)GlenOnokoFall (56)GlenOnokoFall (60)GlenOnokoFall (61)

The bike trail down below. Yes, if you double click and expand the picture you can see it. This is a small section of the trail. Within the next week or so I’ll be exploring other sections. Bring your bike as well as your camera.

GlenOnokoFall (65)

The Pans. I love these. Every one allows you to step into the picture.


GlenPans (2)

GlenPans (3)

GlenPans (4)

GlenPans (5)

Link to all the pictures: Album

Hope you like them. I had a great time taking them.

For those on the trip: Yes, I did look into nabbing the windmills. I have a venue but it is a pretty good distance and will require some walking. I cannot guarantee we will not enter some restricted zones. PM me and we’ll hammer out a date and meet up point.