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Posts tagged ‘fall color’


Although there is still some color left the goal of this shoot was to shoot the boulders (pebbles). I couldn’t resist the pond along the way.

Pebbles (2)


Simple snapshot of the dark green with the clear blue sky.Pebbles (3)


The pond was like glass so I snapped a few shots on the hike out.

Pebbles (4)Pebbles (6)


I love the way this tree hangs onto the bank. From the base it shoots out at almost a 45 degree angle.

Pebbles (5)


The pebbles.

Pebbles (8)Pebbles (7)

















The first pan looking over the pebbles.

PebblesPans (3)

The second doing a full 360. I was too lazy to set the self timer and get out of the shot.PebblesPans (2)



I played with the ISO on these to catch the water in motion.

Pebbles (10)Pebbles (11)Pebbles (12)Pebbles (13)Pebbles (14)Pebbles (15)


Almost went for a roll on this shot. I was hanging onto a bank with one hand and had the camera in the other. Looking straight up from underneath the tree trying to nab that angle I almost bit it. I had about an 18 inch ledge to stand on underneath the tree. I like the perspective.

Pebbles (16)


There were still a few trees that had their color.

Pebbles (17)Pebbles (18)Pebbles (26)


Ok this ain’t a Warhol collage but I overexposed some images and wanted to play with the results to see what I could use. Nothing spectacular, but different.  

Pebbles (19)Pebbles (20)Pebbles (21)Pebbles (22)Pebbles (23)Pebbles (25)


Still struggling with those perspective shots, I’ll get there.

Pebbles (24)Pebbles


I liked this so I decided to do a vertical and horizontal pan of it.

Pebbles (9)

The vertical (4 frames)



The horizontal (16 frames)

PebblesPans (4)


I do believe I hit some peak color at this location. Once again it is a place I have never been so I had to check it out.

There was one unique perspective in this area that I could not get in many of the other places I have recently shot, and that is reflection. So the theme of this shoot is reflections.

Link to complete set: Photo Album

I started out no differently than any other shoot, I started with a few snapshots. About half way through the sun came out and a reflection caught my eye. From that point forward I changed my point of view for every shot afterwards. I had taken advantage of a large body of still water.


The trail

A different section of the Lehigh river than some of my previous shots. A section that still has a good portion of the old canals intact.

ReflectionsReflections (7)Reflections (12)Reflections (5)Reflections (34)


The Locks

Cemented up now but most of the structure is still there, less the wood of course.

Reflections (4)Reflections (8)












The Reflections

Ok this is the main theme. The color was there and I tried to eyeball a decent angle for each shot. I was of course limited unless I wanted to swim and stir up the water.

Reflections (6)

Reflections (14)Reflections (15)Reflections (18)Reflections (20)Reflections (21)Reflections (22)Reflections (23)Reflections (25)Reflections (49)Reflections (44)Reflections (38)Reflections (47)Reflections (32)


I always try and nab a few close ups, so here they are.

Reflections (26)Reflections (28)


About the only wildlife on the trail. If you look closely you may be able to see 10 mallard males. Click to enlarge or look at it via the album.

Reflections (46)


Hope your eyes are more relaxed now after gazing at all the eye-candy.

October Morning

Yeah, yeah, yeah, another thread about some snapshots I’ve taken. Once again this was a place I had never been – they’re always the best.

Absolutely gorgeous morning so the bike had to come out. Along with the bike I had taken the camera and camcorder.

I had to push em a bit. I love that smack me in the face color.


I normally don’t do clouds but the space caught me eye, both of them.


OctoberMorn (21)


I was going for tree color and sky interaction here. Don’t focus too much on the drab looking road, I had to get there somehow.

OctoberMorn (22)OctoberMorn (20)OctoberMorn (2)OctoberMorn (4)


Ok so I went crazy on one. I did not push the red!

OctoberMorn (3)OctoberMorn (10)

OctoberMorn (5)OctoberMorn (8)


While pedaling along I noticed a few beaver dams. Looks like those little critters are using concrete now. 

OctoberMorn (6)OctoberMorn (7)OctoberMorn (9)OctoberMorn (11)OctoberMorn (12)OctoberMorn (13)OctoberMorn (15)OctoberMorn (16)OctoberMorn (17)OctoberMorn (18)OctoberMorn (19) OctoberMorn (14)


The snapshots are great but nothing like the pans to get a feel for what I saw. These are straight as shot, no pushing em.


OctoberMornPan (2)

OctoberMornPan (3)


If I breakdown and create a YouTube account I’ll push up some of the videos, otherwise I’ll just upload a few that can be downloaded then viewed.

The Quest for Color–Results

First of all thanks everyone for coming out. We had a safe trip and all cameras returned home safely.

As with every trip I learned something new. I actually learned quite a few things on this trip – thanks for letting me pick your brains!

If you were at the event and you want to post a few of your masterpieces let me know and I’ll grant you access to update the thread. Or you can pop me a link to your pics and I’ll update the blog with your link.

Now as promised here are some of my shots. Double click to expand.

GlenOnokoFall (31)GlenOnokoFall (6)GlenOnokoFall (34)GlenOnokoFall (14)

The trail.

GlenOnokoFall (10)GlenOnokoFall (15)GlenOnokoFall (25)

Contrasting foreground and background. Played around with the short depth of field when I saw the opportunity.

GlenOnokoFall (29)GlenOnokoFall (58)GlenOnokoFall (57)GlenOnokoFall (40)

How could I resist the moss?GlenOnokoFall (63)GlenOnokoFall (36)GlenOnokoFall (50)GlenOnokoFall (64)GlenOnokoFall (69)GlenOnokoFall (74)GlenOnokoFall (70)GlenOnokoFall (68)

I never get tired of these. No matter how many times you shoot them, no matter how many different perspectives. They are always different and always easy on the eyes.

GlenOnokoFall (41)GlenOnokoFall (12)GlenOnokoFall (42)

The falls.

GlenOnokoFall (23)GlenOnokoFall (39)GlenOnokoFall (38)GlenOnokoFall (48)GlenOnokoFall (52)GlenOnokoFall (56)GlenOnokoFall (60)GlenOnokoFall (61)

The bike trail down below. Yes, if you double click and expand the picture you can see it. This is a small section of the trail. Within the next week or so I’ll be exploring other sections. Bring your bike as well as your camera.

GlenOnokoFall (65)

The Pans. I love these. Every one allows you to step into the picture.


GlenPans (2)

GlenPans (3)

GlenPans (4)

GlenPans (5)

Link to all the pictures: Album

Hope you like them. I had a great time taking them.

For those on the trip: Yes, I did look into nabbing the windmills. I have a venue but it is a pretty good distance and will require some walking. I cannot guarantee we will not enter some restricted zones. PM me and we’ll hammer out a date and meet up point.

This is why I get up in the morning…

I had to use the bike, no not the motorcycle, the manual one.

It looks like the start of peak color.

I placed the slideshow a little farther down in the blog. I added a few pictures to give you a feel for the color. It was awesome.

The trail. 1 on a 10 scale. Flat, less than a half of a percent grade. Well maintained.

BikeRide (10)BikeRide (64)BikeRide (68)BikeRide (37)

Eye candy along the way.

BikeRideBikeRide (7)BikeRide (8)BikeRide (9)BikeRide (14)BikeRide (17)BikeRide (20)BikeRide (34)

The Incan terraces. My guess is this was some sort of lock many moons ago. The slide deck has more images of this.

BikeRide (40)BikeRide (42)

Spotted a few shrooms along the way.

BikeRide (31)BikeRide (71)

Couldn’t resist this moss wall.

BikeRide (74) 

Link to slideshow: Album

I wouldn’t mind doing this again. The leaves will be gone in a few weeks so if I do decide to do it it will be within another week or so. There are also many tributaries feeding into the river that are nice stops.