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Posts tagged ‘caverns’


I would normally go through and call out some detail on each shot, but I think these are pretty self explanatory.

Any shots where the color appears out of the ordinary are shots of the lights that were on display at the time of the shot, none were edited in afterwards. 

Caverns (9)Caverns (5)

Caverns (6)Caverns (7)Caverns (3)Caverns (8)Caverns (4)Caverns (22)

Caverns (23)Caverns (2)


Ok I will call this out. This is something you wouldn’t know just by looking at the shot.

The cave was discovered in the early 1900s while carving a railroad track.

Today an elevator takes you down the first 260 feet. Then you walk about a half a mile until you reach a depth of 1,000 feet. That is where you see this amazing waterfall with the water pouring out of a hole about 3 foot wide at the top. I’m not impressed easily – I was impressed. 

Caverns (17)Caverns (19)Caverns (18)

Caverns (20)Caverns (21)

Caverns (12)Caverns (13)


This shot will give you some perspective.

Caverns (14)Caverns (15)Caverns (16)Caverns (11)

Caverns (1)Caverns (10)

Give me a ping if you want more details.

Hope you enjoyed the shots.