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Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category

Autumn Travels

I know, I know, I really gotta get out more. It has been some time since my last post. Some of the shots are repeat locations but others are new. Still working on that angle – can’t quite nail it.


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Oct (5)Oct (6)Oct (7)

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Just snapshots really. Still trying to develop that eye for angle and composition. 

The Rook

While wondering through the first battlefield of the civil war I stumbled upon this monument. Of course I had to have a climb.

No one was willing to jump of for a shot, so I just snapped the cannon sitting quietly under the trees.  

TheRook (6)TheRook (4)TheRook (2)TheRook (5)TheRook (1)TheRook (3)TheRook (7)TheRook (9)TheRook (10)TheRook (11)TheRook (8)

Rock City

Yeah, OK so I posted a few more pictures than I should have, but it will at least give you a good feel for the place. I didn’t know what to expect until I got there.

If it appears that you need to SQUEEZE through some of these trails you are not imagining things – you do. I suggest skipping breakfast that morning.

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Heavy Weather

Couldn’t resist snapping these. Nothing special provided I was downstream of this mess. A few miles away someone’s parade was trashed.


HeavyWeather (1)HeavyWeather (2)HeavyWeather (3)HeavyWeather (4)


I would normally go through and call out some detail on each shot, but I think these are pretty self explanatory.

Any shots where the color appears out of the ordinary are shots of the lights that were on display at the time of the shot, none were edited in afterwards. 

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Ok I will call this out. This is something you wouldn’t know just by looking at the shot.

The cave was discovered in the early 1900s while carving a railroad track.

Today an elevator takes you down the first 260 feet. Then you walk about a half a mile until you reach a depth of 1,000 feet. That is where you see this amazing waterfall with the water pouring out of a hole about 3 foot wide at the top. I’m not impressed easily – I was impressed. 

Caverns (17)Caverns (19)Caverns (18)

Caverns (20)Caverns (21)

Caverns (12)Caverns (13)


This shot will give you some perspective.

Caverns (14)Caverns (15)Caverns (16)Caverns (11)

Caverns (1)Caverns (10)

Give me a ping if you want more details.

Hope you enjoyed the shots.

Buildings, Blocks and Books

I couldn’t resist once I started with the first “B”.

I found some more stones in my travels. This time they had books inside on them. Not that I’d ever touch a book unless it had a lot of pictures, but it was acceptable to snap a few shots of them.

I am impressed when I see this level of masonry. A dying art. Folks back then built things to last, more than I can say for the architecture these days.


BBB (2)

BBB (4)BBB (5)

BBB (3)

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BBB (8)

Once again the doors were open and there were no cops around so I figured why not. 

BBB (11)

This was the first thing that caught my eye. Given the layout was a partial dome they popped some colorful glass on the top.

BBB (12)BBB (16)

Not a bad layout when you think of it. There where tables and chairs in between each rack.

BBB (13)

BBB (14)

You could snake your way to the top by slithering up the steps.

BBB (15)BBB (17)

BBB (22)

BBB (21)BBB (20)

BBB (1)BBB (18)BBB (19)








 It wasn’t pretty outside so I had to hang with the books until the ugliness passed.

BBB (23)


BBB (25)BBB (26)

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I decided to slap on a ND8 just to play with the exposure a bit. It was still ugly outside as the storm passed, but it came out a neat purple.

BBB (27) 


About the only thing missing was a hot cup of tea and a fireplace.


Spring Sun Rise

Not every morning I see this. As a matter of fact the last time I saw this kind of color was in the Fall and it was a sunset.


The shots were great as is so I messed with them.

Ah well, a little eye candy to wake up to – enjoy.

Opportunity of Gothic Proportions

Ok, so I dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but hey – I’m back.

Now everyone knows I’m an angel, but I never take my camera to church… until now.









Gothic (6)




Gothic (8)

Once the cops left I was able to get inside…Gothic (11)

Gothic (12)


Had to nab a few window shots.

Gothic (9)Gothic (10)








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Gothic (13)Gothic (21)














Reminds me of Italy. Similar architecture.

Gothic (16)Gothic (15)


The symmetry on the shot below had done it for me. I love the arches and the color between them. Turned out better than I saw on the viewer when taking it. 












Click on the image below to blow it up. Don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want that hanging over my head. One little tug on that chain and the whole thing is down on your head.

Gothic (22)


I didn’t do the organ justice but I’m told this architecture is found in quite a few churches of this design. The altar is behind the organ, and some of the pipes are on the ceiling. You can she them better in one of the pictures at the top of the blog.

Gothic (23) Gothic (1)

In any case I’m back on planet earth so you’ll start to see some noise again.


Splash–first try

Ok so these aren’t anything to write home to Mom about but they are different. I learned a great deal about what to do and what not to do in about the first 20 minutes.

I like trying new things with my camera. I have seen many blogs with shots of water drops and have decided this was something I’d like to try. Although similar each one is slightly different. Kind of like faces.

Try not to fall asleep while glossing over these.

I easily nabbed the different colors by popping a piece of colored plastic in front of the flash. Was able to change colors in seconds.


I quickly realized I was not going to get a variation too much different than a simple plop with one, two or three beads ejecting from it, nevertheless they look cool when you magnify them. 

WaterFirstCrack (11)









Simple swap of color filters.

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Ahh now you know I had to use blue. After all I was shooting water.

WaterFirstCrack (12)WaterFirstCrack (13) 


Came out OK for my first attempt. Yes they are simple but I am, of course, not stopping there.

I didn’t buy any special equipment to time the water drop. That I was able to do in a matter of minutes with the remote shutter release. I simply filled a plastic bag with water, poked a few holes in it with a pin and presto, I was in business.

Second attempt will be to play with camera angle. Although I do like the angle of these shots they present a problem with my horizon. I’ll need to toss around a few options. I’ll be expanding my DOF on the next round, and playing with reflectors for some lighting effects. I also realized that the depth of the water will have a dramatic effect on the water tower. Guess it is time to move to the bathtub! Alright well maybe not that extreme. 

If you have any suggestions that could help me turn this initiative into something I could hang on my wall I’d certainly appreciate your comments.


Trying to find that last bit of color

Looks like this is it folks. I hopped on a trail I haven’t done before just to check it out. I am sure it would have looked awesome a few weeks back, but now I had to search for small segments of color.


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This is how fast the leaves are falling. Notice the piles of color; red, yellow, orange, yellow. They were dropping fast.

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A few bushes still has some color.

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No this was the leaf color. Didn’t have to push these.

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The only wildlife I saw on the jaunt.

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This caught my eye. About 70% of the trees roots are exposed.

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