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Archive for the ‘Hobbies’ Category

Seed Moon

A little behind on the post but I figured I‘d push up a few shots from one of my more recent outings.

MoonshootApril (1)MoonshootApril (6)MoonshootApril (7)

MoonshootApril (2)

Had to be setup as it came up over the horizon. Wish I had a 500mm or better. Unfortunately I didn’t.

MoonshootApril (4)MoonshootApril (5)MoonshootApril (3)

The weeds actually look like palm trees. I meant to do that! Huh!. OK, well they look like some kind of tree.

MoonshootApril (8) 

Ah well nothing much, but I had a good time. I always have a good time when I’m along on a shoot.

Glen Onoko Shoot Recap

Action Shots

Some of our photags in action trying to nab that shot. What they wouldn’t do for that shot.

PhotagsinActionPhotagsinAction (2)PhotagsinAction (3)PhotagsinAction (4)PhotagsinAction (5)PhotagsinAction (6)

Timed Exposures

I couldn’t resist throwing in some timed-exposure shots. This will be the main focus of my next session. We’ll nab a venue with a lot of falls and practice on this technique.

TimedTimed (2)Timed (3)

The Trail

Some shots of what we had to do to get these shots. Definitely not a walk in the park.

TrailTrail (2)Trail (3)Trail (4)Trail (5)Trail (6)Trail (7)Trail (8)Trail (9)Trail (10)Trail (11)Trail (12)Trail (13)


One of the main reasons for this outing – the pans. Couldn’t pass up this venue for shots like this. Something to remember.

PanPan (2)Pan (3)Pan (4)Pan (5)Pan (6)Pan (7)

The Cliffs

I enlisted the help of one of the local tree spirits to help with these shots. It cost me a sandwich.


Hope you all had a great time. We couldn’t have asked for better weather.

Stay tuned for the next gig – timed exposures. Caio!


Attempt at some Geminids

Tried to catch some of the Geminid fun but wasn’t fast enough on the shutter. In any event it wasn’t a complete waste. I was able to nab a few shots before the clouds rolled in. Let’s see what tonight brings.

Glen Onoko shoot – Saturday January 7th, 2012 – 10:00AM

We are a GO for tomorrow! They are calling for almost 50 degrees and mild – great hiking weather. Dress in layers. Going up the trail you’ll need less, once we reach the top you’ll need more. Forget the massive tripod with a level – bring your $30 Walmart version. I have done some experimentation on pans and it really won’t affect your shot if you are not completely level – and I won’t tell anyone if you’re off a degree or two. Don’t forget to pack a lunch, we’ll eat once we hit the cliffs.

I will be in route tomorrow to make sure I’m at the gorge before 10:00AM. I’ll have the Driod but won’t be checking any email. Be there by 10:00AM to ensure you don’t miss the start. If you do simply follow the trail up the mountain until you find a bunch of photags. We’ll be stopping at each set of falls for shots. We’ll be easy to find.

See attached file for detailsGlenOnoko

No I am not crazy, well not completely crazy. I am looking specifically for ice flows on the falls, unfortunately that requires some hiking. I have done the Glen before, but never with my digital camera. Before the snow starts to settle I plan on hiking this trail. Obviously this will be a NO GO if we get dumped on before January 7th or the weather looks bad that day. Given previous weather patterns I am going to assume we’ll be fine this weekend.

As with previous suggestions I am doing this with or without a group. As always I post up what I am going to do and invite others should they want to participate. You are all welcome to join me.

The plan is as follows:

1) Hike starts at 10:00AM at the base of the trail.

2) We hike up and stop at each waterfall, snap some shots, exchange some ideas and photo knowledge, and move on.

3) We get to the last waterfall and make the call as to who wants to press on to the cliffs. Those in head to the cliffs, those not head back down the mountain.

4) We arrive at the cliffs, do lunch, and nab some panoramic shots of the gorge. Bring your tripod with a level on it. Read the article Chris sent out on panoramic shots before you get here.

5) We walk back the 1.5 mile trek to our vehicles.

6) Optionally we gather at the Flow bar and restaurant for dinner. You may be tired after hiking all day but you’ll need to put those calories back on. We can decide at the end of the shoot if this sounds reasonable. I clearly understand folks need to drive home, but I did say this was an all day gig.

Hope I’m not the only crazy one out there. See you there.


We are going to shoot a pano (panoramic) from the cliffs, one of the reasons for this shoot. Below is a 360 I had done years ago. Even though it looks ok I made a few mistakes, 1) I did not use a tripod, 2) I did not have the camera in manual mode and I had different f-stops per frame, 3) I shot them in landscape. Practice on this before we do the shoot. You don’t want to hike to the cliffs and then try and figure out your settings.

Click to enlarge

Sunday October 9th ride… yeah baby this is going to be good as always.

Enough said here is the link. See you there. Bring your camera you may want to take pictures of my bike.

Who is up for the little dragon?

Eyeball the link below. Let me know if you are in.

Hawk’s Nest Ride Sunday October 17th

Total Time: All day – yeah you read it correctly.
Stops: 4 (1-Wawa, 2-Bagel Bunch, 3-Hawk’s Nest, 4-Grub)
Stop Time: 1.5hrs.
Start: 9:00 AM – Kick stands up, Second Stop 9:15-9:30 AM.
Gas: At the start – (Wawa) or right before the Bagel Bunch.
Cameras: Yup, color is awesome this time of year.

Weather Permitting

We potentially have riders coming from North, South and East of our starting point. Wawa was chosen specially because it is easy to find and has gas and grub. Exit 100 South from 78, it is the second light. Get in the left hand lane so you can turn onto Schantz road. We meet in the back parking lot away from all the pumps. Gas up first.

There is a second pick up point on this ride. I (Lizzy) will not be at the first, however I will be waiting at the second. If you feel uncomfortable sitting at the first, just ride to the second stop.  It is at the intersection of 309 and 100 in the strip mall parking lot (Bagel Bunch).

This ride will take all day. I have not lead this ride before so I’ll be taking my GPS unit along.

I want to be considerate of others and know some of you travel over an hour to get to the Bagel Bunch – so we will adhere to the start times so that I can have you back before dark.

There is no bolting back early. We will start in PA, work our way up to NY, and come down through parts of NJ and then back to PA.

Lakes Motorcycle Ride Sunday October 3rd

Total Time: @ 6 hours
Stops: 3 (Optional 4th)
Stop Time: 2hr.
Start: 10:00 AM – Kick stands up, Second Stop 10:15-10:30 AM.
Gas: At the start – (Wawa), and we will work in another stop between 3 and 4.
Cameras: A must for this ride.

We potentially have riders coming from North, South and East of our starting point. Wawa was chosen specially because it is easy to find and has gas and grub. Exit 100 South from 78, it is the second light. Get in the left hand lane so you can turn onto Schantz road. We meet in the back parking lot away from all the pumps. Gas up first.

There is a second pick up point on this ride. I (Lizzy) will not be at the first, however I will be waiting at the second. If you feel uncomfortable sitting at the first, just ride to the second stop. The PDF file for this ride has details about the trip, including the second stop. It is at the intersection of 309 and 100 in the strip mall parking lot (Bagel Bunch).

This ride promises a lot of nice twisties, and it is gorgeous in the Autumn. I tried to improve upon the route but kept on coming back to this one. I could not break away from the twisties.

It is a longer ride which means we need to hold to the times indicated on the PDF. Be on time regardless of the stop you choose to hook up with. And note – there will be ice cream. The gods have spoken.

September and October Rides/Photag gigs

OK lads September and October are here. Not saying I want
Summer to end, but I can’t hold onto it any longer. As such I’ll be lining up
the weekends… Let’s knock em down.

Bushkill Falls

Glen Onoko

Delaware Water Gap

Hawk Mtn.

Hickory Run (bolder field)

LV Covered Bridge

Every weekend in September and October will be booked doing
one of these. We’ll either being doing a ride to and then a photag shoot or a
photag shoot. That will depend on who is in and who is not, as well as when
you can make it. The first four involve hiking. Just figured I’d warn you.

Respond to the blog
or PM me to get hooked up.

Talking about Nikon FX Lenses – What should I get first?

  OK the 70-200 is in the bag. Extremely clear picture-awesome lens.  Looking at locking onto the second one on the attached list. I want a wide angle, but I also want something for close up portraits. I hate having to constantly swap lenses. I want to nab everything up to 200mm with two lenses – if possible. Yeah, I get three if need be. 


Nikon FX Lenses – What should I get first?

Recently nabbed a D700, and I am buying new lenses for it – obviously the FX.
I am lazy so the first lens will be the 70-200 zoom. Ok so I did not need any advice on that, but what about the second or third lens.
If you are into photography and have even a remote idea of what you are shooting – pop me some suggestions.
See the attached PDF on my sky drive. This calls out some of the lenses I am considering. And BTW I am only considering Nikon quality lens. Nothing else. 
Thanks in advance.