Reach out to me if you are struggling with ideas on how to save the world.

I couldn’t resist once I started with the first “B”.

I found some more stones in my travels. This time they had books inside on them. Not that I’d ever touch a book unless it had a lot of pictures, but it was acceptable to snap a few shots of them.

I am impressed when I see this level of masonry. A dying art. Folks back then built things to last, more than I can say for the architecture these days.


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BBB (4)BBB (5)

BBB (3)

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BBB (8)

Once again the doors were open and there were no cops around so I figured why not. 

BBB (11)

This was the first thing that caught my eye. Given the layout was a partial dome they popped some colorful glass on the top.

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Not a bad layout when you think of it. There where tables and chairs in between each rack.

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You could snake your way to the top by slithering up the steps.

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BBB (1)BBB (18)BBB (19)








 It wasn’t pretty outside so I had to hang with the books until the ugliness passed.

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I decided to slap on a ND8 just to play with the exposure a bit. It was still ugly outside as the storm passed, but it came out a neat purple.

BBB (27) 


About the only thing missing was a hot cup of tea and a fireplace.


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