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Archive for October 24, 2012

The Knob

Who doesn’t like crawling around a pile of rocks? I noticed these bad boys just sitting around on the top of the mountain and I thought some of them looked out of place so I decided to take a closer look. As I suspected some of them had to be adjusted.

First off the knob doesn’t refer to this pile of rocks but an area a little farther up on the Appalachian trail.


This is what they look like if you were to see them from the trail. Hard to miss and this is only a small portion of them.



You start exploring these bad boys by crawling up here.



Yes, of course I had to crawl to the highest point, that makes it all worth it. Center of the picture, shadow, me.  





You are not imagining things, that large rock is balanced on two smaller rocks underneath. They are too large to move even with a group of people. Amazing how they ended up like this.



Look closely, center of the picture, a turkey vulture just hanging  out on the rock. He would not tolerate me getting any closer so the best I could do was a 70mm. After this shot I had pushed my luck and had taken a few more steps closer to him and that was it, he couldn’t take it any more and flew.



View of the valley.





Same shot different focal point.




You can get a feel for just how many different pillars there were. I tried to snap a few shots from different angles. 



They really wanted to hang out on the rocks but I was crawling around them, so they simply soared above. Yup, the same 70mm I had when I started. I didn’t feel like dragging anything larger.



As I moved farther down the trail I found more rocks. I have to say it would be a great place to do lunch. 



I tried to get the best perspective on the trail below. Yes, these rocks are as high as the tree tops. Enlarge and look down to the forest floor. It’s a good 70-80 feet.



Couldn’t quite push this over the edge.



This is what happen to the previous photag trying to nab the perspective shot from the cliff edge. The rain washed away the mess, the only thing that remained was the outline. 



Of course the best way to get a feel for how these bad boys are connected is to see the pans.

Pans (4)Pans (9)Pans (8)Pans (7)Pans (6)Pans (5)Pans (3)Pans (2)

As you can see the color is over. I had a great time over the last few weeks. Had taken in a lot of eye candy.