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Last look at de lights…

I figured this was worth paying the gardens a visit to see what Bruce had done. A photo opportunity you don’t see everyday.

On the way in this catches your eye. Spheres with spheres inside them with fiber optic cable inside them. They cycle through a range of colors.


The boy spent a great deal of time setting these up. Yeah, look closely at each one of those little white spheres. There are thousands of them. A little farther down in the blog you’ll see what they look like at night.

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Click on the images to get a better view. I didn’t count the lights, but they go on for several hundred feet.

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These had been put up in the conservatory. I snapped a few shots as they changed color.

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This is a close up of one of his sculptures. Mesmerizing as it changes colors. 




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Above (while I still had light), below (after the sun dropped).

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Wondering what to do with all those soda bottles? Well here is a project. Set them on top of one another, add fiber optics and LEDs.   

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I like the way the lights went off into the distance.



Not something Bruce did but I couldn’t resist a quick snap of the fountains lit up with LEDs.

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Here was a path of fiber optic strung out over some ground cover. This would have looked a lot better had I caught the images at dusk when you could still see the plants clear enough.

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Oh well, hope you like the shots as much as I liked taking them. Had a good time.


Stay tuned for some future posts I have coming up. Fall color shots along with a very unique venue I’ll guarantee you won’t find just anywhere. 

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