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Archive for August 30, 2012

Wine tasting

I recently had an opportunity to sample some of the local wines at a vineyard on the other side of the mountain. Of course I had taken my camera.

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It was impressive to see field after field of vines, as far as the eye can see. Then I thought, wait a minute, in two weeks or so someone has to pick these – ouch!





From what I understand they make around 6-8 different kinds.

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The cellars where full of the smell of oak. Necessary if you like your wine dry. I skip the oak and go right for the carboy… I like to see what is happening as it works. Plus I can tell when it is clear and ready to sample.




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While walking the premises I had noticed a few artifacts, of which one appears to be from the early days of wine making – the press. I heard rumors of folks using these but have never seen one in action. That looks like exercise. 




And of course the sun flowers turning to look at me as I snapped the picture. They had been gazing at the sunset until I came along.


Tis the season for making wine. Now if I can only find some grapes that I can pick!