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Glen Onoko Shoot Recap

Action Shots

Some of our photags in action trying to nab that shot. What they wouldn’t do for that shot.

PhotagsinActionPhotagsinAction (2)PhotagsinAction (3)PhotagsinAction (4)PhotagsinAction (5)PhotagsinAction (6)

Timed Exposures

I couldn’t resist throwing in some timed-exposure shots. This will be the main focus of my next session. We’ll nab a venue with a lot of falls and practice on this technique.

TimedTimed (2)Timed (3)

The Trail

Some shots of what we had to do to get these shots. Definitely not a walk in the park.

TrailTrail (2)Trail (3)Trail (4)Trail (5)Trail (6)Trail (7)Trail (8)Trail (9)Trail (10)Trail (11)Trail (12)Trail (13)


One of the main reasons for this outing – the pans. Couldn’t pass up this venue for shots like this. Something to remember.

PanPan (2)Pan (3)Pan (4)Pan (5)Pan (6)Pan (7)

The Cliffs

I enlisted the help of one of the local tree spirits to help with these shots. It cost me a sandwich.


Hope you all had a great time. We couldn’t have asked for better weather.

Stay tuned for the next gig – timed exposures. Caio!

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